Tree meditation
I am always keen to find new metaphors for meditation, and Alan Wallace in his description of Shamatha meditation has a really good one, describing
Wishing you an Analogue Christmas and a Mindful New Year
On Saturday I was sat in the cafe at Waterstones Bookshop in Leeds, and realised what a rare thing it is nowadays to go into
Curing or healing?
I am often asked, as I think most mindfulness teachers are, will mindfulness cure X, where X can be anything from insomnia, worry, anxiety, depression,
Don’t meditate just because it is good for you!
This may seem like a strange bit of advice, but knowing that meditation is good for you is not enough for most people to create
Three years ago we purchased a holiday home near Filey Bay. We go there whenever we can, and it is a great place to unwind. Our
Acting Mindfully
I am firmly of the opinion that mindfulness is not something you acquire during an 8 week course. Rather, it is a skill we all